- Information on any Collaborations and Research of the Department
There is collaboration between the Department and the Minerals Commission of Ghana as well as mining, construction and water companies of Ghana.
In 2012, the Minerals Commission allocated a Toyota Landcrusier 200GX Station Wagon and a TATA bus to the Geological Engineering Department under a Natural Resource and Environmental Governance (NREG) programme. The vehicles are to enhance manpower training for the mining industry in Ghana.
The Minerals Commission under a Natural Resource and Environmental Governance (NREG) programme has again donated field and laboratory equipment worth about four hundred thousand Ghana cedis (Gh¢400,000.00) to the Department in 2014.
These are some recent publications of staff.
- Chiri G. Amedjoe and S.K.Y. Gawu, (2013) A Survey of Mining and Tailings Disposal Practices of Selected Artisanal and Small Scale Mining Companies in Ghana. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(12): 744-750.
- Gordon Foli, Simon K.Y. Gawu, Johnson Manu and Prosper M. Nude (2013) Arsenic sorption characteristics in decommissioned tailings dam environment at the Obuasi mine, Ghana, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(10): 599-610
- Anthony Andrews, Joseph Adam, Simon K.Y Gawu and Peter A Olubambi (2013) Synthesis optimization of fireclay refractories from lithomargic clay, Ceramic Forum International (cfi)/Ber. DKG 90, Nos 8-9, E45- E47
- Akayuli, C. F. A., Gidigasu, S. S. R., & Gawu, S. K. Y. (2013). Geotechnical Evaluation of a Ghanaian Black Cotton Soil for use as Clay Liner in Tailings Dam Construction. Ghana Mining Journal, 14, 21-26.
- Andrews, A. Adam, J. and Gawu, S.K.Y (2013) Development of fireclay aluminosilicate refractory from lithomargic clay deposits, Ceramic International, 39, 2013, 779-783.
- S.K.Y. Gawu, E.E. Amisah, Jerry S. Kuma (2012), The proposed alumina industry and how to mitigate the red mud footprint in Ghana (doi: 10.4090/juee.2012v6n2.048056) Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering,. 6(2) :48-56.
- Mark Bediako, S.K.Y Gawu and A. A Adjaottor (2012), Suitability of some Ghanaian mineral admixtures for masonary mortar formulation, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 29, 667 – 671.
- Mark Bediako, Albert A. Adjaottor, S. K. Y. Gawu (2011), Potential Use of Crushed Ghanaian Limestone in Paste and Mortar Formulated for Masonry, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol.5 No. 3, 2011: 258-26
- Gawu S.K.Y and Yendaw J (2011), Moisture retention characteristics of some mine tailings, Proceedings of the 15thAfrican Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Maputo, Mozambique, July 18 – 21, 2011.
- Mark Bediako, A. A Adjaottor and S.K.Y Gawu (2011) Selected mechanical properties of mortar used for masonary incorporating artificial pozzolana, Proceedings of the 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-6), Zurich, Switzerland, June 21 – 29, 2011.
- Foli G. Nude, P. M. Amedjoe C. G. & Kyei, L. (2011), Arsenic leaching in mill tailings in the Obuasi gold mine, Ghana: management of contamination in the related water environment. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, Accepted Manuscript, July 2011.
- Leonard Kyei, Gordon Foli & Janet Ankoh (2011), Analysis of factors affecting the Technical Efficiency of cocoa farmers in the Offinso district -Ashanti region, Ghana. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES. doi:10.5251/ajsms.2010.
- Gordon Foli and Prosper. M. Nude (2011), “Concentration Levels of Some Inorganic Contaminants in Streams and Sediments in Ar-eas of Pyrometallurgical and Hydrometallurgical Activi-ties at the Obuasi Mine, Ghana,” Environmental Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1121-x: (Published online:28th May, 2011)
- Prosper M. Nude, Gordon Foli & Mark Yidana(2011), Geochemical Assessment of Impact of mine spoils on the quality of stream sediments within the Obuasi mines environment, Ghana. International Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 2, 259-266 doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.23028
- Gordon Foli, Ohene B. Apeah & Chiri G. Amedjoe (2011), Pre-mining Water Quality prediction from non-weathered sulphide ores along the Ashanti metallogenic belt in Ghana using Acid-Base accounting procedure. American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. doi:10.5251/ajsir.2011.2.5.827.833.
- Boadu, F.K. (2011), Predicting the engineering and transport properties of soils using fractal equivalent circuit model: Laboratory experiments; Geophysics (in press).
- Owusu-Nimo F. & Boadu, F.K. (2011), Exploring the linkages between geotechnical properties and electrical responses of sand-clay mixtures under varying effective stress levels. Journal of Engineering and Environmental Geophysics (in press)
- Gawu S.K.Y, Amissah, E.E and Kuma, J.S (2010), The proposed alumina industry and how to mitigate against the red mud footprint in Ghana, Proceedings of the 1st Biennial UMaT International Conference on Mining and Mineral Processing, “Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology”, Tarkwa, Ghana. 4 – 7August, 2010.
- J.S Kuma, R.O Owusu and S.K.Y. Gawu (2010), Evaluating the water supply system in Kumasi, Ghana. European Journal of Scientific Research vol. 40(4) 506-514.
- Fourie, A.B. and Gawu, S.K.Y, (2010), “The validity of using laboratory flume data for predicting beach slopes of thickened tailings deposits”, Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Toronto, Canada. May 3 – 6, 2010.
- Gordon Foli, Jonathan N. Horgah and Philip Antwi-Agyei (2010), Effectiveness of planning and implementation stages of the ISO 14001 standards EMS at the Obuasi gold mine, Ghana. American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research doi:10.5251/ajsms.2010.
- M. Bediako, A.A Adjaottor, S.K.Y Gawu and C.K Kankam (2010), Potential use of crushed Ghanaian limestone in paste and mortar formulated for masonary, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materilas and Technologies, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, June 28 – 30, 2010.
- Boadu, F.K. & Owusu-Nimo F. (2010), Influence of petrophysical and geotechnical engineering properties on the electrical response of unconsolidated earth materials: Geophysics, 75 (3), G21-G29.
- F.W.Y Momade and S.K.Y Gawu (2009), Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of lithomargic clay types from Awaso bauxite deposit, Ghana: Implications for possible industrial utilization, Journal of University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, . 29.(2), . 96 – 106.
- M. Bediako, E. Atiemo, S.K.Y Gawu and A.A Adjaottor (2009), Suitability of some Ghanaian mineral admixtures for masonary mortar formulation, Proceedings of the 5th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC -5), Las Vegas, USA, September 22 – 25, 2009.
- Appiah-Adjei, E.K. and Allen, D.M. (2009), Quantifying the impact of products climate change on groundwater recharge to fractured-rock aquifers, IAHS Publ. 334, pp 210-218.
Published Books
- Kwame Aboraa (2009), Mining Principles (Development, Excavation and the Environment).
- Kwame Aboraa (2009), Mineral Economics & Evaluation (Fundamental Principles).
(i) Gawu, S.K.Y. (Participant), Natural Resources and Environmental Governance (NREG), Workshop on validation of various terms of reference in the mining sector, Accra, Ghana, October, 2008.
(ii) Gawu, S.K.Y. (Participant), US-Ghana Workshop on Resilience in Small-Scale Gold Mining, July 7-10, 2008, Tarkwa, Ghana.
(iii) Ali, Bukari (Awardee), Received a CWSA (community water and sanitation agency) award of GH¢500.00) for supervising an MSc. student in developing a model plant for iron removal in groundwater.
(iv) Ali, Bukari and E.K. Appiah-Adjei (Participants) Hydrogeological Assessment Project (HAP) Workshop.
(v) E.K. Appiah-Adjei (Participant), Volta Basin Geology Workshop. March 10-17, 2008. Accra, Ghana. The Department also received equipment, namely 10 compasses and mineral specimens, from KNUST Alumni, Australia branch to enhance teaching and learning.